That’s me at 17!

My first lesson in sewing was at the age of 10, on a Singer treadle sewing machine, it had two stitches, straight and zig zag, no fancy stitches, it didn’t have a power cord, and ran on pure good old fashioned human energy, me! “Master this machine and you can master anything”, my mother told me. And there it was, a challenge, and who doesn’t like a good challenge? So, I Did!

That was when my sewing hobby began, then slowly turned into my passion. I started making my own cloths, assisted my mother in making my wedding dress (hint, hint, the pictures were from a newspaper article about me making my own wedding dress) and all the dresses for the bridal party. As time went on, I made cloths, costumes and toys for my two wonderful and beautiful daughters as they grew.

Today, my passion for sewing is stronger than ever and it has led me to turn it into a small business. I have a booth at a local farmers market from October to May, which is our season here in Sunny South Florida. I enjoy creating and sewing items such as aprons, princess tutus, wallets, clutches, and anything else that piques my interest. I enjoy the look of surprise on a face when asked, “you made this?” and I proudly say “Yes, I Did.”

With that said, my challenge continues…My Hobby, My Passion, My Business!

That’s Fantastic!!! Where Did You Get It?

I strive to learn something new every day. Keeping my Challange…


“That old Singer treadle machine is still in the family and proudly rests at the home of one of my sisters. And I can honestly say, be it old, new, or somewhere in between, I haven’t met a sewing machine I do not like.”